A couple of
Moose. |
Alaska has got to be one of the most beautiful states in the USA. It has the smallest population of any state (less than 700,000 people) and is almost 3 times as big as Texas! It is home to Mt McKinley and has more bears than people! And a lot of ugly Moose!
On the Seward highway south of Anchorage. |
On a clear day you can see the mountain range that has Mt. McKinley in it in Denali (150 miles away). We went down the Seward Hwy. to see the inlet and some of the mountains. Anchorage has almost 270,000 people and is one of the largest cities in Alaska.
A mountain near my daughter's subdivision. | |
A frozen water fall on the side of the mountain. People actually climb theses, why? |
By the pictures you can see how clear the skies can be. It was about zero degrees C out this day and warmed up to about 10 degrees. When we left it was 40 degrees in Anchorage and 14 in Chicago.
Downtown Gridwood/ gas station and store. Population about 200. My husband and yes even though it is about 5 degrees it doesn't feel like that! It feels warmer! |
It is a dry cold there so it doesn't chill you to the bone when you go out. Most people wear sweatshirt hoodies!
Clark Middle School were my daughter works. This typical of schools in Anchorage. |
In the school my daughter works there about 1200 middle school age children (6-8 grade).
On the road toward downtown. Silver building is part of the downtown. |
All of Anchorage is earth quake proof. Their last earth quake was 5 something on the scale and Becki felt it. They get earth quakes more often than you would think. These are a few of the mason buildings we saw. Most houses and buildings are wood.
Well I hope you enjoyed a quick look at some of my adventures in Alaska. Until next time, happy tatting! :)