First picture is a sample of the SEVERAL skeins of hdt I ordered. They are from Yarnplayer aka Marilee Rockely from her Etsy shop. (click on her blog link at the right on the tool bar and you can get to her etsy shop). They are size 20 in 'Snowflake','Tourmaline' and 'Vibrato'.

This group of thread is a sample of the three colors I got from LadyShuttleMaker aka Sherry Pence from her Etsy shop.( another website I have on my right tool bar). These are 100 % silk and in a size 20. They are 'Country Christmas', 'Hosta Leaf' and ' Holly Jolly Christmas'.
When questioned what I was going to do with all this thread I stated I was sharing with a few people. OK I am just hording some if it and will tat it into some thing fabulous.(snowflakes or maybe ANOTHER pair of earrings!lol)
I mailed off my thread exchange packages today. The hardest part was deciding what thread to send. I have also been doing fabric Origami ornaments in the shape of a Crane. These are for my students that ride my bus. I think I have folded at least 75 birds and have demolished one hands worth of nails. But the Cranes look great(will try to remember to take pics!). I sent one to each of my thread exchange so it really didn't fit in the regular envelope so I put them in a mailer. I had fun that's what counts!
Becki can't get her mail because the Post Office is temporary closed due to illness. You think they could borrow someone from the Ketchikan Post Office just so people can get their mail! I can't imagine not being able to get mail so close to Christmas. I hope not alot of people there are doing mail order for their holiday shopping.
Well as I get something do (so many projects so little time) I post it. Until then remember there are only 12 more tatting days left to have something for Christmas! :)-