WE all have them, those moments when we look at something and it finally clicks! Well I had mine today. I have never tried double picots before. I just didn't- no good reason. Maybe because when I was doing most of my shuttle tatting I
wasn't exposed to them. And I don't know if you can do them in needle tatting.(have to think about that for awhile) So I googled how to do them. Got directed to online tatting class and Mark Myers lovely pictures. Let me back up here I don't learn by
just pics alone- I am an
Audio and
Visual learner. So to stare at picture alone doesn't cut it in the instruction group for me. But if I read them out loud I usually can figure things out. So the pic below is my 1st successful tatted double picot.Yeah!

O.K. so it isn't exciting and now I should make something that uses them I will in time. First have a whole bunch of ufos screaming 'finish me!'. Next pic is one of those pesky ufos- Marilee's pattern 'Keyed Up' available in her Etsy store, done in size 20 Lizbeth thread. (forgot which one I used I think it is Purple Pizzaz). Now to hide threads, get the other leaf on it's mate and stiffen- and ANOTHER pair of earrings!Lol

It was fun to make.
Last weekend we sent Becki back to Alaska. It was such a short time she was here. She really enjoyed her ORFF Conference in Milwaukee, but she was really tired. She stopped off in Anchorage on her way back to Met and didn't have as good of a time as she'd hoped.(ticket prices are $1200 or more so that is a very good reason she is not coimg home.)
So-we are putting a Christmas package together for her. Homemade fudge, tree trimmings, hand made ornaments and some other goodies so she can trim a tree and not be too homesick.(1st Christmas away from home ever for her). Of course what is tree without tatted snowflakes?! Jim wants to make some wood ornaments for her. She is going to have one fine tree there in Metlakatla Alaska if you ask me!
Life just keeps us all busy. Hope everyone out there in tat land has a great week! TaTa for now.