This is the second snowflake I did from Jon's book. I did it first in purple variegated size 10 thread and it's new home is my daughter-in-law's tree. The thread is a size 20 in Marilee's hdt "snowflake" and measures about 2 1/2 inches across. I'd like to do this in a smaller thread, but I'll need a magnifying glass to do that.(Enjoy the picture- I still haven't figure out how to post and leave a comment so I can get more that one at a time and leave a blur with each one. Something for Becki to teach me!)
Sunday truly was a mixed day of blessings. I guess I should have known when I found Harry had passed on it was not going to be a completely great day. After a fantastic choir program at church I received news Becki's flight out of Alaska was canceled. Believe it or not Seattle was snowed in not Alaska! Then she can't get a flight out until Christmas eve and over night in Seattle and fly in on Christmas day. Fortunately people from church in Ketichan have 'adopted' her and are providing her with a place to stay until her flights. This is a blessing. I know that where ever my baby goes there will always be a built in family from our church all over the world who will watch out for her. Becki is such a people person that everyone falls in love with her great smile and sunny nature. Actually all my children have bright and sunny natures-they definitely get that from their dad. Me I think they get a good work ethnic and a warped sense of humor.
I know that what ever is to be this Christmas season will be and I am just grateful that all my family is well and safe.
Wednesday night will be spent with my brother and his family-4 daughters and 5 grandchildren. I get to practice- my children are slow in that department. Only one of my children is married and haven't been able to make it work yet and it is a little hard on them. I now it will happen in time. Becki's dating prospects are about as great as being eaten by a whale- zero. So it is wait and see. There is the Internet or she could be moving to Juneau- one just doesn't know. You have to believe that everything will work out the way it should. I didn't know my husband until 12 weeks before I married him and here it is 29 years later and he is still the love of my life!
Christmas day is a trip to the airport(hopefully) and dinner and family time with my husband's side and all my children. It is just great to see my nieces get so excited about Christmas. We as a family do the Christmas story and then thank the Lord for all our blessings we have as a family. It is nice to see that there is balance and it is not all about the commercial thing.
I want to wish everyone happiness and love this Christmas season and that you and your loved ones will be blessed and kept safe. TaTa for now.