To say I crammed a lot into one week is an understatement. So Wednesday my daughter flew in from Alaska for her last big adventure before her work starts up . So she decided to visit to go to the fair and take home sweet corn. And there is nothing like Midwest corn! So on the way home it started to rain and plan b got put into play.
Beck and Bill at Fred's |
So a quick stop to one of our favorite diners to have a great breakfast. After Fred's it stopped raining so off to the fair!
Bill with a pork chop on a stick . |
We saw the piggies, the bunnies, the chickens, sheep, cows, and goats. After the livestock it was time to go inside for air conditioning and the exhibits. My youngest son Bill meet us there and had his traditional chop on a stick. He loves to 'ham' it up for the pictures. lol.
After 4 hours I was faired out( and broke).
That was Wednesday. Two aspirin a short night and I was on my way to Diane's and Cincinnati.
Lovely brooch that Jane gave me. |
And we heard from both me and Diane how Thursday went. Isn't that a lovely brooch I received from Jane. Diane took the blue one.( of course)
Friday I spent the day shopping with Becki ( broke again lol). We went to a shoe store and Lane Byrant. It was nice to find clothes that fit for this full figured gal! So by Friday night I was falling asleep in the chair lol. Way too much fun I guess.
Today it is more shopping with Becki( food shopping this time). Find time when all three of my children can get together again. It is always nice when that happens. And more extended family time. We never know when Becki will have the time or money to come down to the lower 48. Well time to get going! Ta Ta for now.