Front yard with fresh 24" of snow! |
Well the last 24 hours have been exciting in my neck of woods. We got hit with that lovely storm front that they said was making it's way across the the US and is now going toward the East coast. We had it all... Blizzard conditions, white outs, high winds, blowing snow and 5 ft. snow drifts. They put most of Illinois under civil emergency and our town literally was shut down. The only thing open was McDonald's (whats wrong with that picture). Fortunately we are prepared at our house and I got to spend the whole day tatting and watching TV.( some times a bad combination)
My day 8 TIAS. |
Here is my day 8 of Jane's TIAS. Yeah I STILL have no idea. I don't even believe it's a real thing, just a wild and crazy idea Jane came up with. But It has been a blast playing along. At least all the others at Jane's site look the same!
Tomorrow is another snow day and I hope they have at least got the streets open so the banks, post office and stores open. The wind chill is suppose to be -25 degrees tomorrow so I am glad for the chance to stay home and work on my tatting! :)