Well here it is another post after a wild adventure. This time it was a genealogy fact finding mission. Bec and I scanned 400 pages of genealogy! And look what was waiting for me when I got home! This hdt from LadyShuttleMaker(a.k.a. Sherry Pence) in silk thread colors Witches Brew (L) and Marina(R). This is my first batch of silk thread. I think I want to make a special something for my two Aunts in Missouri.
The pic to the right is the project I'm working on. It will probably get done about the time school starts with as fast as I am working on it.(Canning season is upon me. Right now I have peaches calling me-mmmm peaches!)
I enjoyed seeing family-18 years is TOO long to go without seeing family!
Well this is a quick post and it is off to that never ending list of things to get done.:).